Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

8 months

Dear Xavier,

Whoa!  This month has flown by and here you are: a whole 8 months old.  We can't believe it!  So much has happened this month.  You've been a busy little guy.

You started the month out by crawling and then BOOM! went straight to pulling yourself up.  So now your favorite thing to do is crawl around the living room after Bella and then pull yourself up on the couch or musical table and bang around and make a lot of noise.

Speaking of making noise- you learned to say Dada and Mama this month.  Dada came first then mama and now you say baba a lot or a combination of all of them together.  You've become very interested in what people are saying and will stare at their mouths when they talk to try to copy them.  When we visited Grandma and Grandpa Pegg for your baptism you told them a whole story when you saw them- it was too cute. You also talked on Skype to Grandma Barbi and Aunt Jean.

Mom was on spring break this month and was so excited to hang out with you all day for a whole week.  She kept you busy going to all sorts of places like the beach and Busch Wildlife and meeting all kinds of people.  You also went into the pool for the first time and while it was a little cold you enjoyed it so much we got you a little splash pool for the backyard.  Summer here we come!

You were also on antibiotics most of this month (30 days!) because you had a ear infections in both ears that just wouldn't go away but they are finally clear now.  We are so happy.  Your appetite was less when you were on the antibiotics but we still tried some new foods and most of them were a hit.  Now on the menu are yogurt, beans, blueberries, raspberries, apples with cinnamon and chicken.  Yummy!

Thanks for being so much fun.  You make us laugh everyday.  It's awesome to wake up and see your smile every morning.  Love you!

Your parents,
Momma and Papa

weight: 18.5 lbs
height: 27 inches
clothes: 9 months
diapers: size 3
milestones: dada and mama, crawling, pulling up

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Latte Fun

X and mom met up with some friends from school at a huge indoor playground called A Latte Fun (they serve coffee drinks for the parents) with a play area for little ones. 

 X with Riley and Kadie

Busch Wildlife Sanctuary

Friday, March 18, 2011

Eating Contest

In an effort to show Xavier how not to eat lunch we went to the 2nd annual Corned Beef Eating Contest.  It was as gross as it sounds.  Joey Chestnut won eating 14 1/2 corned beef sandwiches in ten minutes.  Nasty!

If you are easily grossed out you may not want to click on the video.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Xavier was baptized on Sunday.  He did a good job and didn't cry when the water was placed on his head.   He really liked hearing everyone sing in church.  Afterwards, we went to a nice brunch at the Sprague House.