Monday, August 30, 2010

Funny faces

The So What Are You Looking At Face
The I Can't Hear You Face
The You're Boring Me Face
The What Is That Smell Face
I'm not 100% sure that that is what each face means- leave a comment if you have an idea : )

Just do it

I'm wearing my Nike's today Grandma and Grandpa Pegg!  Thanks!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

1 month


Papa and I can't believe you are already 1 month old!  The saying that newborns only sleep, eat and make diapers is only partially true in your case- you do so much more than that! 

You make the funniest faces.  Especially after you've enjoyed a good meal.  You make this little fish face that always makes us laugh.  You also smile a lot which is the cutest thing.  We don't think you know you are doing it yet and we can't wait to see you smile at us on purpose. 

You know how with some babies its hard to tell if they are a girl or a boy, well everyone says that you look like a little boy and love how much hair you have.  In this short month, you've had many hairstyles already from a mohawk to a little man comb-over.  You also act like a little boy already.  You make the funniest growling noises when you eat like you can't get enough and enjoy burping afterwards (wonder where you get that from).   

You also really like swinging in your swing, taking naps, getting dressed in the morning, playing on your monkey gym (the colorful zebra is your favorite) and going to sleep on walks around the neighborhood.  You like your carseat and going for rides in the car.  You're favorite book is "Fluffy Chick and Friends" and you like to look at the pig with the curly tail.

You haven't really noticed Bella yet and she hasn't really noticed you yet either.  
Your cord fell off on your two week birthday and your blocked tear duct cleared up that day too- we were so happy!  You are such a good sleeper- after your 10:30-11:00 feeding you will sleep till anywhere from 3:30 to 5:00. 

There are some things that you don't like.  You're not a big fan of getting your diaper changed and you also haven't decided if you like bathtime or not yet.

We can't believe how much you've changed over these past few weeks of knowing you.  Each day you amaze us with something new.  You've grown so much already!

 We love you so much and are so lucky to be your parents. 

Stats: 7/26/2010

Weight: 8 lbs. 4 oz.
Height: 20 inches
Head: 14 5/8 inches
Diapers: Newborn
Clothing Size: Newborn or small 0-3 months

Stats: 8/17/2010 (last doctors appt.- 3 weeks old)

Weight: 8lbs. 9 oz.
Height: 21 3/4 inches
Head: 14 3/4 inches
Diapers: Size 1
Clothing Size: 0-3 months

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Match Each Caption to the Right Picture

Aaaahhh   There's some strange lady holding me!!!!!!    ... Oh its just Aunt Katie.

Me and My Papa.

They say this big blond kid is my cousin Timmy, he's nice he holds my head up.

Ahhhh peace and quiet.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

This one's for you Uncle Nick!

Happy Birthday!  I can't wait to visit you and go to my first Yankee's game! 

Thursday, August 12, 2010